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Financial Consulting

Ken's Marketing & Consulting Firm, offers Financial Consulting as part of our services. With our financial consulting options, we look at your needs individually and have a section for business owners.

These options for individuals will focus on Bookkeeping, Tax Preparation, Credit Repair, paying off debt, and lowering expenses without changing your lifestyle, Loans and other lines of credit, getting your money back where you overpaid, and investing education.

Some of our services are provided directly in-house and these we discount when combined with other services whether in-house, with one of our other companies, or third-party vendor. Ken's Insurance Agency, Ken's Real Estate Investment Firm, and Ken's Education Firm are our other three companies and any in-house products within these will be discounted as well. Our other services are provided by third-party vendors and these vendors set the price so we cannot discount them. These are the prices for our in-house items:

Tax Form Cost per item

Form 940 (Federal Unemployment) $78

Form 940 (Schedule C, Self Employment Tax) $41

Schedule C (Business) $192

Schedule E (Rental) $145

Schedule EIC (Earned Income Credit) $65

Form 1040 (not itemized) $220

Form 1040 (itemized) $323

Form 709 (Gift Tax) $421

Form 1041 (Fiduciary) $576

Form 1065 (Partnership) $733

Form 990 (Exempt Organization) $735

Form 1120-S (S Corporation) $903

Form 1120 (Corporation) $913

Form 706 (Estate) $1289

State Return $100

For disorganized or incomplete files $166

To file extensions $56

Retainer for tax prep in the non-current year $377

Retainer for IRS audits $902*

To expedite returns $136

E-File $10

Business Plan Analysis/Creation $250

Marketing Plan Analysis/Creation $250

Financial Statement Creation/Analysis $350

Bookkeeping $75/per hour sold in book of 10-hour sets

Marketing Analysis $550

Marketing Re-occuring $25 per hour sold in 10-hour blocks

* We will represent you showing why we filed a certain way but We are not responsible for any fines levied against you.

You will not be charged till after your initial appointment and this appointment we will look at what all you are in need of and discuss the cost, implementation, and any other needs you may have. For payment an invoice will be provided with all that was agreed to and the payment options. The discounts provided and can be combined as applicable are Military discount 15%, first responder discount 15%, educator discount 15%, and multiple services is a total of 15%. Military Discount applies to currently active duty, Acitive Reserves, and Veterans, and does not matter the branch. First responders we define as Police, Fire, EMS, Nurses, and Doctors. We do not care about hospital affiliation. The educator discount applies to anyone who works in the education system, so teachers, teacher's assistants, Bus Drivers, Professors, Cafeteria, Janitorial staff, Maintenance Staff, administration staff, and their immediate families. The educator discount is applied to anyone working in these positions and their immediate family members whether it is a college, university, K-12 or preschool they work at. Immediate families would be parents, kids (even foster/adopted), and spouse. 

Services Requested
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